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Main Window

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The main window of the Sprintbit File Manager is divided into 4 parts.


1. Ribbon Bar ( top of the window )

The Ribbon is the state-of-the-art user interface, introduced in Microsoft Office 2007.  It provides easy and quick access to software commands.
All commands are grouped into groups within the following ribbon bar interface pages:

Manager | Tools | Interface | Software | Help
See also: Ribbon Bar End-User Capabilities


2. Docking Window

On the left side of the main window is located a small Folder Tree window that can be docked on either side of main window

The Folders Tree displays a hierarchical list of folders, drives and network resources just as the left pane of Windows Explorer does.

This control is working in conjunction with currently selected File Browser.

However the main purpose of Folders Tree is to show tree of folders, you can perform some basic files operation on selected folders like:

delete, rename or viewing folder's properties.


3. Features Windows

Central area of main window where all software features will open its windows.


4. Status Bar


A Status bar  provides a way through which programs displays various kinds of status information

Left, the smallest panel displays the following information:


When program is in idle state or just finish doing something        

When some but not critical problem occur during the execution of a command or when some action is not finished successfully

Critical Error

When critical error occurred and software cannot continue or an action was performed unsuccessful, incomplete.        
When error occurred but not critical error also when user performed not permitted action


When software is working or for showing tips information


Other panels displays some program information during the software features execution, like for example if an operation

finished successfully and how many files was processed etc.
Another small panel is showing media files properties. You can ease view media file properties by selecting supported media files in File Browser


The last part of the status bar, right next to the last panel this is a Size Grip, The size grip allows to resize the window by dragging the status bar's right-bottom corner.