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Files Copying Actions

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Sprintbit File Manager offers a few file copy methods. Some of them are available from the Copy button menu.

To perform files copy task please click on one of the commands located at main software window ribbon bar in File group > Copy button menu



The copy button works in two ways;

1. It has a menu where from you can execute all copy commands.

2. You can click directly on big button's icon to execute the default Copy action.



You can use these commands to copy files when working with File Manager or Multi File Manager except Copy To and Duplicate commands.

If you work with other File Browsers and you want to copy selected file use Copy To command from the same menu
All these commands except Direct Copy command invokes the same copy command as is in the Windows operating system.



This is the default file copy command and action. It will copy all selected files and folders from one File Browser to another.


Direct Copy

The direct copy command and action is native Sprintbit File Manager action.
It will copy all selected files and folders from one File Browser to another.

The differences between Direct Copy and Copy command are:
1. It will not ask you whether you want to overwrite target files if they exists

2. It will copy files directly without doing any files comparisons like Windows Copy method does

In some circumstances this method may be faster then native Windows Copy method is.


Copy Into Parent Folder

This command copies all selected files and folders into parent folder. It may be useful if you want to do so without browsing folders back and forth


Copy All Recursively

This command copies only files from one browser into another.
The differences between Copy All Recursively and regular Copy command are:
1. It will copy only files (either selected or from selected folders) to the destination folder

2. No folders are recreated on destination

In some circumstances you may want to use this method to fetch all files from folders and copy at once into one destination folder


Copy As

This file copy command copy one selected file from one File Browser to another.

You will be prompted to enter or modify the target file name.


Copy As Archive

This file copy command first is creating an archive out of selected folders and files in source File Browser, next copies created archive to the destination File Browser


Copy To

This file copy command copies selected files and folders in source File Browser to destination folder selected in Send Files To window
A Send Files To window will looks like sample picture:

You can specify the destination folder in three ways:

1. Select folder in built in Folders Tree View

2. Enter or paste a folder path manually into a Destination text box.
3. Select destination folder form drop down history menu. To open drop down history menu click on a small arrow located on the right side of the Destination text box.



When you have set you destination folder click the Continue button to copy files, you can cancel the copy by clicking on Cancel button or close the window.



This command create copies of selected files or entire folders in the same folder.


Copy To New Folder (active browser)

This file copy command copies selected files and folders in source File Browser to the new destination folder created in the same File Browser
You will be prompted to enter or modify the destination folder name.


Copy To New Folder (inactive browser)

This file copy command will copy selected files and folders in source File Browser to the new destination folder created in the destination (inactive) File Browser
You will be prompted to enter or modify the destination folder name.


Shortcut's File

This file copy command copy finds the target file of selected shortcut and copy that file to the destination File Browser.

To succeed selected shortcut must be valid. You can whether shortcut is valid or not using Shortcuts Validation feature.