Sprintbit File Manager - Files Viewer  

Files Viewer opened as docked window

Files Viewer playing video
Files Viewer lets you get quick information about any selected file, it also serves as a viewer for a lot of file types.

It is very easy to view files, just with one click on a file you can view the file, when you click on an image and it will display the image in the images viewer, click on a text file,
it will show its contents, click on a media file it starts the playback...

Yes, it has built-in multimedia player for easy audio and video files playback. In addition Files Viewer will show properties of any selected file on a File Details page..

 Using Files Viewer you can view the following files:

.xml .bat .ini .txt .asc .asm .log .doc .dat .dep or any files of such kind that can be read as a text files.
Web Pages
.htm .html .shtm .mhtml .shtml .mht .asp or any files of such kind that can be viewed as web page
File Preview widow has ability to browse web pages in the same way like you browse the Internet using your Internet Explorer
Play Audio Files
.mp3 .mp1 .mp2 .wav .ogg .aiff .aifc .au .wma .m4a .flac .aac .ac3 .wv .it .xm .s3m .mod .mtm .umx .mo3 .cda .mid .raw .mpa and other
Play Video Files
. mpg .mpeg .asf .avi .wmv .swf .mov .vob .mp4 .ifo .flv .3gp .qt .mkv .rm and other
Image Files
.jpg .exif .gif .bmp .png .tif .emf .ico .wmf
.zip .gzip .bz .tar You can preview a zip or tar file from within a archive without decompressing entire archive.
Specific Files
.pdf .odt .docx
Any other file that cannot be shown will have its properties displayed at least
You can view encrypted images, play encrypted audio and video files that was encrypted by this software

Online help page is available here

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